Logan Wyatt
Foundations/Interdisciplinary Sculpture
Competitive Scholarship Portfolio Spring 2014
Table piece (archive)
aluminum foil, armature wire, various art books, Art in America magazines, beef jerkey, bible, binder clips, plastic bucket, carpenter’s pencils, ceramic mug, chalk, chalkboard paint, charcoal, children’s craft foam, colored wood panel, concrete doorstop, construction paper, cowboy blanket, found photographs, found wood, gouache, ink, various novels, MacBook, mylar, plaster, plasticine, postcards, potted aloe, potted jade plant, prayer card, Pyrex, reed, Rives BFK, various rocks, long-tails.tumblr.com, tape, t-shirts, twist ties, sandpaper, socks, spray paint, stamps, and water
Untitled (Domestic I)
Adidas sneakers, aluminum, children's craft foam, OxiClean gel stick, and wood
Untitled (Domestic II)
apples, card from performance by Daniel Pillis, cellophane, clove soap, Dawn dish soap, Raisin Bran Crunch, and Kraft singles
Mobile photographs
iPhone 4S
In situ snapchat (Levitated Mass)
social media performance
in collaboration with Hank Ehrenfried and Michael Heizer

In situ snapchat (Levitated Mass) partially documents a leisure/research trip to LACMA by Hank Ehrenfried. While on the trip, Ehrenfried was asked by the artist to ceremonially visit and experience the Michael Heizer sculpture Levitated Mass on his behalf, as the artist was indisposed on holiday in Seattle.
No Title
unedited, irrational text and appropriated imagery, digital manipulation

Selected pages


Competitive Scholarship Portfolio 2014
